At the end of September 2021, RIOC was invited to deliver a training course in Prishtina, Kosovo, on improving, monitoring and assessing state processes to address organized crime issues. The participants included selected staff members of the United Nations, EU Rule of Law Mission, OSCE and Kosovo Academy for Public Safety. Tanja Tamminen, President of the Board of RIOC, noted that this joint 3-day workshop highlights that international coordination and cooperation are of key importance when supporting and advising third countries in their reforms. RIOC thanks CMC Finland for the trust and support that led to the publication of a practical methodical handbook back in 2019 and now to deliver training based on its content in this pilot training course! These are small, but firm steps contributing to a safer and more secure planet. CSDP Missions in Africa are facing similar needs and challenges … As the feedback after this course was very positive, there might be a sequel!
RIOC training to tackle organized crime for UNMIK, OSCE, EULEX Kosovo and KAPS
October 23, 2021